If you are considering network marketing, let me be the first to congratulate you. It’s a journey for those who are determined to be successful and persistent in their efforts. Please, make no mistake, if you have any plans of making it in any entrepreneurial pursuit, network marketing or not, there will be work involved. If you have a vision and don’t mind taking consistent action to make that vision materialize then you are on the right track.
But before you move forward with your plans of getting started in network marketing make sure that you investigate a few things. Nothing is set in stone and will guarantee the success you want. You can, however, greatly improve the likely hood that you will achieve what you desire by doing a little research beforehand.
The first thing to look for is the stability of the company you are considering. The longer a company has been around, the more chance of it staying around. There are enough things to worry about in network marketing, such as sponsoring and advertising, without having to wonder if your company will be around next year.
Basically, your ideal company has been in business for 2 to 5 years. There is really something about companies that have already “stood the test of time”.
Even if you were able to build the biggest downline and become the highest earner in the company, it would not matter if they suddenly shut down. Generally, a company with a longer track record has more chances of longevity.
But, I must point out once again that nothing is set in stone so if you see an opportunity for yourself with a new company (less than 2 years old) and are confident with the ins and outs of the company, then, by all means, march forward. You are the beginning and end to this process.
The second thing to look for is the one in charge of the company. Who is the president, and who are the directors? What is their track record? Have they spent time in the network marketing industry, or are they new to it all? What businesses have they been involved with in the past?
If you do not know the answer to these questions, call or email the company to find out. It is critical to know the answers to these questions from the outset. If you plan to spend many years with the company, you will want to be dealing with people who are honest, savvy, and have integrity in and outside of the business world.
And be cautious where you get your information from when investigating this area. There are many “trashy” things on the internet which are presented to individuals that put one company down in order to uplift another.
Why not get all of the company’s policies and procedures from the company itself and then from there, if necessary, start investigating other resources? There are tons of good companies out there who would be more than happy to provide you with all the information you want.
Third and definitely not least is the product that is being marketed. Make sure that the company’s product is something the market is looking for. This is a basic but vital point. If the product is not in demand you may have a difficult time distributing it. And lets be honest here, the only reason you are considering network marketing or any other business is to make money.
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