Sunday, December 30, 2007
Is YTB A Network Marketing Scam
Network Marketing is basically another way for companies to get their products out to the market. Replacing certain marketing efforts with independent distributors saves companies millions while growing the business with consistent and devoted customers. People are rewarded for telling others about the product and services of a company, which is a clever way for a company to quickly grow. Why not empower others while empowering yourself? When was the last time you were paid for telling your spouse about a great restaurant you visited with your co-workers at lunch?
YTB is a company which promotes everything related to travel. YTB’s independent distributors or RTAs (Referring Travel Agents) maintain and advertise their own travel booking sites, just like you have Orbitz, Expedia, Travelocity, etc. In fact, Travelocity is the back engine of all of YTB’s travel booking sites. Anything booked on the site is commissioned to YTB and shared with the RTAs. So, for individuals to be rewarded they should generate activity on their travel sites.
There have been bad companies out there but from what I have seen there are more good than bad. These companies require individuals to operate their individual distributorships as real businesses. There is nothing easy or immediate about being a part of a company as an independent representative. Individuals have to support and educate on a consistent basis, which are the same tasks that are necessary to excel in other entrepreneurial ventures.
And YTB is no different. Once you are a part of YTB your job as a business owner is to support and educate those that are interested in traveling or are interested in building a business. This requires your time and energy and for you to conduct yourself which is representative of the company. It is suggested that you continuously educate yourself and stay abreast of the changing tides within the industry so that you are competent about your business.
Network Marketing is an economical way for anyone to start a business. Most brick and mortar businesses will require you to put up a substantial amount of money as start up without even guaranteeing that you will get a decent return on your investment. True, a network marketing business also does not guarantee anything but the start up cost is significantly lower and if ran correctly a person could make the income of a pro athlete.
YTB has gotten some mud thrown at it and I am sure that as it grows in other countries there will be much more. But it must be noted that there are also major companies which are seeking YTB out for partnerships. These companies have their reputations to uphold and wouldn’t make major decisions like these if they didn’t see any potential there.
Those at the top are always targeted for slander, Martin Luther King was, J.F.K was, numerous sports and entertainment celebrities were, and the list goes on and on. The bottom line is that this company is being run by ex-marketers who sincerely want to see others grow as the company grows.
It is going to be interesting to see what happens when the company gets into other regions. If you are a traveler, even slightly, and you are not benefiting from it…shame on you.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Fresh Supply Of Network Marketing Leads
But “fresh supply” is the key phrase here. Where do you get a constant batch of leads coming into your funnel from? One place is a lead generating company and there are many such places out there which sell generic leads to network marketers.
These companies know that a steady flow of leads is vital to a person’s success in network marketing and they work diligently to provide this resource. They provide packaged leads depending on the buyer’s preference and can be anywhere from fifteen to thousands of leads.
But one of the downfalls of the lead companies is that you don’t know the quality of the leads. Meaning, the leads being sold from the companies could be looking for information from any type of business not just the network marketing field and this will require a lot of sorting and sifting. Some of the prospects you contact may not be familiar with network marketing or even worse, dislike network marketing. Who knows?
The other way to generate leads is by your own efforts and probably the best way to keep your funnel high with responsive leads. The internet is a good media for you to generate leads. Because of its vastness, you will never run out of people to network with and you can tailor your marketing efforts so that you are primarily networking with network marketers, people who are familiar with network marketing, or who want to know more about it. This type of targeted marketing is ideal because it saves you a lot of time.
The second reason for generating your own batch of leads is cost. Sorting and sifting through leads purchased from lead companies can become quite costly. For example…if you order a batch of two hundred leads for $375 there are no guarantees that you will get any response from any of those 200 and because you need a continuous stream of prospects in your funnel, next month you will have to do the same. With your own lead generating system though, your biggest cost will be the system itself.
Another benefit in being the lead generator is the fact that you have full control over what questions you ask potential prospects. These questions could be essential for you if you are doing massive lead generating marketing and want to focus your efforts only on the right people. These questions will also help you connect with prospects more quickly and effectively once you decide to reach out to them.
More savvy marketers have found ways to get the prospects to contact them. Just think of that, instead of you spending time dialing potential business partners they are calling you for more information or wanting to be a part of your business.
Start now generating your own leads so that you can have time for other business building task.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Thoughts Which We Present To The World.
Many teachers have been inspirational in helping me pay attention to (what seems like small details on the surface) this phenomenon. Their teachings are simple, to the point, and timeless. One such teacher, Jim Rohn, talks about that unexplainable thing that drives a person to do great things no matter what is facing him while another person will not make a decent effort even though he may be just as capable.
Passion and drive for winning is what is needed for success and the only prerequisite that you need is a beating heart which pumps blood through your veins. We must make this part of our philosophy. Circumstances and situations are going to always be there but the ones who are driven "stay the track". Their very existence is centered on living the life that they want to live and helping others do the same. But, like Mr. Rohn mentions, this feeling, this particular spark is unexplainable. Why will one person go through years of hardship and stay positive about the potential of his life while another will call it quits at the fall of a leaf?
Donald Trump lost all of his “billions of dollars” but got it all back. I heard Dan Kennedy mention one time that he lost his millions due to a rocky divorce but went out and got it all back times 2. Another champion said that he went broke at 31 and got it all back at 33. I really feel that what we have inside of us is much bigger than any circumstance. Your market is going to change, you may have more competition, but you what?
Continue to read the books, continue going to the seminars, continue listening to the audios, continue investing in courses and by doing these things you are setting the path you want your life to take. If you are putting out successful energy you are going to get that in return.
If you clap your hands a sound will come. If you throw a ball in the air it will come down. This is a classic concept but timeless and important to take notice of. You can count on the ball to come down and the sound to come but the effort you put into these activities will determine the reaction. The winners will put everything they have into succeeding. That's in contrast with you (the winner) throwing the ball into the air as hard as you can. What will the response be?
Your time is going to come (it may take longer than you want) just as certain as that ball is going to come down. And once you have dug deep to get that ball in the air another task is upon you. Now you have to ready yourself to catch this thing that, if you have put the right amount of effort into it, is going to come at you like a jet. Again, continue to read the books and associate with the people who can prepare you to catch what is coming. Do not worry much about when the ball is coming down. Be sure that it IS coming and that you definitely do not want to drop it!
Monday, December 10, 2007
If A Great System Has Created Success For You
One of the key mistakes that many make is by making things more complicated than they really are. And in network marketing, this idea of simplicity is very important. Ask any successful network marketer and they will tell you that it is very important to ensure that the actions you are taking to grow your business, are duplicateable. If a great system has created success for you but others can not follow or use it then you will find that your success is not long term. Your greatest asset is one, having a system and two, people being able to use it with ease. The stability of your business depends on this. When you are building your business and looking for business partners you should realize that not everyone will have the same skill level to grow a business. So what you are doing should be easy to follow.
There is no need for you to development something unique if your company or your upline has a system set in place but if you feel that what you are provided with is not effective then the system will have to start with you. Winners will do what it takes to win. Most, if not all, successful businesses have grown their companies quickly and effectively with the idea of a duplicateable system. I am sure that we have all heard the analogy about McDonalds. If you have not it says that McDonalds is not successful because it has the best tasting hamburgers. McDonalds has successful stores in
Many of the great business builders like Dan Kennedy, T. Harv Eker, etc. constantly talk about the importance of systems so that the owner is not working in the business but on it. And the successful network marketers will tell you the same thing, I just followed the system that was given. Everything must be kept simple in order to grow your business. Show others how simple it is to do what you do. They need to see you do it, and then believe it is easy enough for them to quickly duplicate to achieve the same good results as you received in your business.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Connect With Tons of People
For the people who have been involved in network marketing for awhile, they know that it is not as easy as some would have you to believe. It requires you to first realize that what you have is an actual business and it needs to be run like one. If you run your business like a million dollar business then… you know the result.
With the continuous popularity of the internet, being able to connect with tons of people is a very attractive concept and an area in which the internet reigns supreme. Almost any business could benefit from this fact, especially a network marketing business. But just being on the internet, building a web site and uploading it to a server will not guarantee that you get visitors. In fact, it’s a one and a million (quite possibly more) chance that anyone will see your site if you don’t advertise it. There are ways to promote your site and I would like to take a little of your time and tell you about some free resources.
- The first is article marketing. It is a good way to voice your views on a particular topic and to give you credibility in the process. Many sites offer free web submission and article posting. If a reader likes your content they will click on the link to your site that you have posted in the author’s box below.
- Online forums are also popular. Forums, for those who aren’t familiar, are basically meeting areas for newbies and experts to post questions, answers, concerns, etc. (make sure you follow the rules of the forum). There are many out there and with a simple google search finding them should be easy.
- A blog is another excellent way to direct attention to your site. It provides a platform for you to not only present whatever it is that you are offering but it gives you the ability to engage the reader. The owner of the blog can allow the readers the opportunity to post comments of approval or disapproval.
- Social sites (Myspace, Facebook, etc.) are constantly growing with new sites being added frequently. These platforms let you customize your entire profile with information about you. However you set up your profile make sure that you are also driving traffic back to your main site.
- Write good content for your site. Search engines look for sites which will provide high content for searchers. If your site has lots of content there is a good chance that it could be ranked pretty high within the natural searches as opposed to paying for clicks. Lots of content is best.
If you take the time to learn about these methods you will be able to direct a continuous stream of traffic to your site all for free. All that it takes is a little effort on your part. Become familiar with the basic concepts of the methods so that you can navigate within the certain areas and use the ones which you are comfortable with.