Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Obtaining Material Success

As I delve deeper into the area of obtaining material success I am beginning to notice that it, like MANY other things I have studied so far, is basically based on a science. I looked up the word science to get a proper understanding of its’ meaning in relation to our topic. Science, in the broadest sense refers to any systematic knowledge or practice. So, if we look at this practically we will agree that wealth will never come to a person who hasn’t taken the necessary steps or actions…just like a house will never be built (no matter how much material is available) unless there are people there to physically form the structure. And these physical actions for obtaining material success are what we are dealing with. Singling these actions out wouldn’t be productive here because they, for the most part, are relative. Sure, certain things are necessary for wealth building but most things depend solely on the person and where he or she is in their development. What we are focusing on here is a person operating their life in a manner which wealth can be accumulated and this, my friend, seems to be a science, a systematic practice. If you have a network marketing business for example, you want to promote it from all possible angles to ensure maximum growth but you definitely want to be doing this in a way that will give you a good ROI (return on investment of both your time and money). On the other hand you can run out and do all sorts of things without testing and measuring what you are doing but this isn’t recommended. I heard Brian Tracey mention one time that a person who runs out and does all sorts of things isn’t being efficient with his time he is doing these things because he is confused. And if you think about it, this is true. A person, upon the advice of another will go and try everything under the sun trying to build his business. His “go-getter” attitude is commendable but if he isn’t paying close attention to what is bringing him the best return then he may run himself to the poor house, the asylum or both. Jim Rohn says to never start the day without finishing the day. His logic is that you should never go into the next day without knowing exactly what it is you are going to do. So work out the next day from start to finish then when it comes you will know exactly how you are going to be productive. And if you are aware of which activities are the most productive your days will be more effective and obtaining material wealth will be “text book”.
We must stop making the mistake of doing many things with the hopes of good results. You can’t duplicate hope. But you can duplicate science. The actions are still relative but the science is applicable to all. When you eat relates to you and only you. But the universal law says that if you don’t eat you DIE.


Monday, November 12, 2007

Immediate Success In Network Marketing

When I was introduced to network marketing I can honestly say that I got in it because I thought that it would be an easy way for me to make a significant income without working too hard. Boy was I wrong. Network marketing definitely can provide a solid foundation for a person who wants to build an empire but the average person must realize this from a practical standpoint. He or she should never allow himself to be influenced by hype even if they are being told they are NOT being given hype. Immediate success in network marketing is basically a fallacy. Especially for the individuals who are coming fresh off of a nine to five. And if you enjoy hearing the truth here is more, immediate success in ANY new undertaking is very rare. Success comes from trial and error. It comes from understanding that getting involved in three or four ground floor businesses and trying to push them all at one time is difficult. Success comes from realizing that you can’t just work your business after 5pm on Fridays and all day on Saturdays. It comes from seeing that people are dropping out of your business because they haven’t talked to you in 7 months. But it also comes from seeing that you have to network with different people because the people have in your business now only want to work their business after 5pm on Fridays and all day on Saturdays. Jim Rohn said that you should work from a plan. If you want to be healthy start a health plan. If you want to be happy start a happy plan. If you want to be successful start a success plan. The ones who make it in network marketing or anything have a vision in front of them and they know that if they work methodically they will be sure to reach their destination. They know that it is a process which some might consider boring. The little bit that is done consistently on a daily basis won’t mean a lot at the end of the week. But what will that little mean at the end of five years.
While you are listening to your champions on audio and reading them online and in books look for similarities. If a lot of them are saying basically the same things but in different ways then make your philosophy that. Build your plan for you but using your new philosophy. I have some business associates who prefer the traditional way of network marketing. They don’t mind approaching family, friends, and strangers with their business. They WANT to pass out fliers and post banners on local build boards. And I say, “O.K, whatever, to each his own”. I’ll support them where I can but that’s not my style. I enjoy listening to “old school” motivational speakers on my ipod and downloading classic works in eBook form. I in turn take these timeless principles and apply them to my business online as well as my life. I’m working my success plan using my own philosophy. I suggest you do the same.


Thursday, November 8, 2007

The Paths You’ve Blazed In Network Marketing

So, what is it that I do? I’m a network marketer. To the veterans, I appreciate you and the paths you’ve blazed in network marketing. To the new marketer, appreciate the industry that you are involved in. To the uninitiated …keep reading.
Robert Kiyosaki said that one of the greatest aspects of network marketing is that it helps to build business skills. And the longer that I am involved with network marketing the more I believe Mr. Kiyosaki. It’s difficult for most marketers because most don’t have those skills when they first are starting out. Building a business into something which is successful requires time as well as lots of effort and the level of success a business reaches has a lot to do with the skills of the person building the business. Solid, progressive skills yield a solid progressive business. So if you are committed to continuously bettering yourself on every personal level everything in your life will reflect your personal growth.
While riding in my car I was listening to either Jim Rohn, Earl Nightingale, or Zig Ziglar not sure which but one of them said that it wasn’t enough to be a good and sincere person because there are lots of broke, good and sincere people. They work hard and are respected in their family but this isn’t enough for one to live over the average line. We must be committed to our success and believe that if we invest in ourselves we will definitely acquire those necessary skills. And what we’re saying here isn’t all about being materially wealthy but about us rising to the challenge and being the best we can be.
Earl Nightingale’s “The Strangest Secret” had an impact on me when I first heard it and every time I sit and reflect on it I’m moved. Mr. Nightingale mentioned something to the affect that, though America is probably the richest country the world has ever known, more than half the population will retire BROKE… wow. I personally think that this statement is deeper than just retiring without finances but more about people finishing their lives without at least whole heartedly attempting to reach their dreams and aspirations.


Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Inside The Business Realm

This blog is geared towards and dedicated to stepping out into what some consider uncertainty, the business realm. A world that has been the host of many who lost their entire life as well as provide a platform for undereducated men to gain access to the vaults of kings. There are many who are reading these words and are thinking to themselves, “Yeah, that author is right. The world of business can leave you exhausted, depressed, and broke. Why bother?” While there are others who are reading these words and are thinking to themselves, “Hey, you know, that author is right. The world of business will force you to gain skills and overcome fears which in turn will give you riches on many levels. How can anyone NOT win? I’m going to go for it and continue educating myself. I will surely can the skills which will take me to the next level.” And these two types are the people we will attempt to build relationships with. Hopefully more of the second type than the first because they are definitely more inspiring and people are naturally drawn to them. You see, inside the business realm, inspirational individuals of any place, race, religion or sex are welcomed with opened arms. It’s such a joy to have ANY sort of relation with them. And they have friends! Thus, causing our question to arise again, “How can anyone NOT win inside this realm or any other?"
